About Us
The ab ovo unchanged ambition of the Cognion Research Group is to create a group of research institutes operating across borders.
The Cognion Research Group lives an identity-forming common denominator of basic principles and values, which, in combination with the service spectra of its institutes, give it a distinctive character. At its core is the goal of creating a research continuum. As a result, Cognion provides a platform for the entire spectrum from basic and applied research to the practical pilot implementation of knowledge-intensive services - in keeping with the Cognion claim: "Pathbreaking Expeditions!"
Each institute of the Cognion Research Group has (at least) one characteristic thematic profile and is clearly identifiable as such. At the same time, all institutes maintain a high level of horizontal permeability in relation to their sister institutes, both for ideas and expertise as well as for the physical carriers of human and network capital. The aim is not to maximize profits, but to maximize knowledge in conjunction with the requirement to preserve capital.
The Cognion Research Group currently has around 110 employment relationships with on-site presences in Austria, Germany and Slovakia. The headquarters of the group is located in Vienna.