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Gisela Szügyi
Tel.: +43 676 3200 400

Press material

Company profile

The ab ovo unchanged ambition of the Cognion Research Group is to create a group of research institutes operating across borders. Cognion does not strive for profit maximization, but for knowledge maximization in connection with the requirement of capital preservation.

At present, the Cognion Research Group has about 110 employment relationships with on-site presences in Austria, Germany and Slovakia. The headquarters of the group is located in Vienna.

Under the umbrella of the Cognion Research Group are, among others, the Economica Institute as the largest, non-publicly financed economic research institute in Austria, the Research Studios Austria as the only non-university research institute certified by AQ Austria without conditions and SportsEconAustria (SpEA) as one of the leading sports economics research institutes in Europe.

